Tips to Pray to End Abortion

Knowing that many people are intimidated at the thought of trying to pray for twenty whole minutes, we decided to post this section to help those folks out! It can seem like a daunting task we know, but you can do it!!  The length of twenty minutes was chosen mainly because that is about how long it takes to pray the “standard” five decades of the Rosary.  Being Catholic, we recognize the power of this devotion, and we know that this is the preferred method of many other Catholic Pro-Lifers as well.  If you are Catholic, chances are you will pray at least one Rosary during the course of the year anyway, so why not devote that time to praying for an end to abortion?

Of course we know that not everyone in the Pro-Life movement is Catholic, and we ABSOLUTELY want those of other traditions to join us in prayer during this year!! But how do we spend twenty minutes praying on our own? I can hear you thinking “What do you say to God for twenty minutes?!? Well, try this.  Below, I have listed 20 prayer needs related to the topic of abortion. If you can pray for just one minute for each of these prayer intentions, you will have fulfilled your commitment to help us cover one entire year in prayer!

  1. Spend the first minute simply worshipping and adoring the Lord Jesus who it THE Life! Try not to make any requests at this time. Just spend a minute telling Him how incredibly awesome He is! Check out these Psalms for help with this if you need it or want it. Psalm 48, 63, 65, 84, 89, and 92. There are many MANY more, but these should take you well into a minute of praise and worship!
  2. Spend another minute thanking God for the gift of life. Use this short time to recognize what an awesome blessing it is just to be alive, and let that enhance your prayer for those yet unborn to have the chance to experience how great life can be.
  3. Pray for the woman in your community who at this very moment is considering an abortion.  Consider her emotions  (fear, anxiety, maybe even contempt or indifference) and pray that the Holy Spirit would minister to her, teaching her to recognize, respect, and love the “personhood” of her unborn child.  Pray that God would grant her the courage she needs to carry and deliver him/her.  If you know someone personally, please mention her to our Lord by name!  This one is in bold because I would like this to be the one request that we ALL pray for! No matter which “method” of prayer that you use, please pray this one request!
  4. Pray that the families, friends, churches of those who choose to carry their babies would support their decision to let the child live. Especially pray for the father's of these babies, that they will love and support their child.
  5. Pray that adoption agencies would be successful in finding loving families for babies that are placed in their care.  (This is a very Pro-Life issue! We don’t just want to see the babies born, we want to see them loved and nurtured as well!)
  6. Pray for “inner conversion” of those who perform abortions in your community and those who assist them.  If you know names of specific people or places that offer elective abortions, please mention them by name!
  7. Pray for all those in the community who support, urge, and rally for abortion – especially for those profess faith in Christ.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would move them in such a way,, that they would realize the great detriment of the “culture of death” that they are promoting.
  8. Pray for all those fighting abortion at level in society.  Pray for God to protect them against all evil, and grant them strength and courage to “keep it up!”.
  9. Pray for all Pro-Life ministries that you can think of that God would supply all their needs and inspire them with ideas of how be the most effective in the fight against abortion. Again, if know any by name, mention them specifically!
  10. Pray for those in positions of civil authority that they would heed the voice of their Pro-Life constituents as well as for them to be personally involved in the movement!
  11. Pray that those men and women in authority would actively present and pass laws that respect all human life from conception to natural death.
  12. Pray that the right of conscience would always be protected for all medical personnel. 
  13. Pray for those in your community who have had abortions.  Pray that God would heal their wounds and give them grace and courage to testify to the destructive nature of abortion.
  14. Pray for your local community of Christians that we would all keep open doors and hearts to those who have had abortions.  Pray that our local churches would be beacons of hope and healing to those who regret their decision to abort their child.
  15. Pray for society that we will come to an understanding of God’s design for life, especially the family unit and uphold His law above our own desires.  Pray that all marriages would be open to life.
  16. Pray for the leaders of our churches that they would receive inspiration and strength from God to remain steadfast in their convictions against the murder of innocent unborn children.
  17. Pray again for the Christian community that we would all be obedient to our spiritual leaders as they guide us in the battle for a “culture of life”.
  18. Spend at least one full minute repenting on behalf our nation who has allowed this legalized murder for so long.  Even though you may not have been actively involved, there is great power and merit in begging mercy for others!
  19. Pray for another minute thanking the Lord again for hearing the needs that you have offered to him in prayer.   Ask him for strength to be a voice in any way possible for the “Gospel of Life”.
  20. Spend the final minute of prayer in silence listening for God to inspire you as to what ways you should be involved with the local Pro-Life movement.

See there? You CAN pray for twenty minutes!  Here are a few more ideas:

You could get a group of friends or church members together and commit to a slot (or two) and divide the time evenly among yourselves. If you take that option, be sure that you all pray together.

For Catholics, maybe a group of parishioners could get together and have a Mass said for the Pro-Life intention! (Hint: this would count as THREE segments since a Mass normally lasts an hour!)

These are just a few ways that you can spend twenty minutes asking God to help us end abortion!

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